Saturday 31 December 2011

127. Today I am grateful for the past year

As we prepare to leave 2011 behind and welcome in 2012 I think it is a good time to reflect on the past year. I am truly grateful for the past year and feel that it has opened a new chapter in my life with beginning a career. This time last year I had completed all my course work and getting ready to begin my practicum. My practicum was with Crossroad Family Services, a foster care agency. I was able to learn a lot about the foster care system and the support that both foster children and foster families require. My practicum also helped prepare me for the job I have now as a family support worker for a Head Start Program. I am grateful for my education and the career path that I am on now. However, the career I desire the most is to be a mother, I am happy with the career path I am on now.

I also moved out of a place where I had lived for almost 4 years and it was a change that I really needed for several reasons. I was blessed with the opportunity to live in the compassion house as a live in volunteer which included free accommodation and the opportunity to associate with some amazing people. I then found a great place to live in September. Looking back, I can really see the hand of the Lord in leading me to where I need to be.

I am also grateful for the times I was able to spend with my family. It was great to have all of my family members come out to Edmonton to visit me on three separate occasions, including for my convocation. I am also grateful for the times I have been able to visit my family out in BC and Utah, as well as Scotland. It was wonderful to be able to see my Grandma again as well as cousins, aunts and uncles. I have also had some memorable moments with friends, including being part of a wedding. 2011 was a good year! I am excited to see what 2012 has in store.

Friday 30 December 2011

126. Today I am grateful to be in Utah!

I am so grateful that I was able to get two weeks off work and to split that time between BC and Utah and see everyone in my family. I don’t get to see Melissa very often so I am always grateful for the time we get to spend together. Melissa has a baby due any day now and I really hope I get to see him while I am here. I am also excited to spend some time with my nieces, they are so much fun! At the airport my two older nieces, Sariah and Rebekah, were excited to see me and gave me a hug but the 18 month old, Miriam,  was a little unsure. I picked her up and right away she put her arms out to her mom. However in the car I sat beside her and gave her smarties and then at their home I gave the girls their Christmas gifts. Miriam loved her baby doll and now I’m her best friend. I work hard to be the favourite Auntie. J

Thursday 29 December 2011

125. Today I am grateful for getting together with old friends

Even though I live in Edmonton now and met so many wonderful people and have met great friends it is nice to get together with the friends I have here in Surrey. I had one friend over and we played phase 10 ... just like old times. Another friend and I went out to Tim Horton’s and it was nice to chat and catch up on our lives.

Wednesday 28 December 2011

124.Today I am grateful for a date with my parents

Tonight I went to the nutcracker ballet with my parents at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre. It was so amazing! I was just mesmerized by the amazing talent on stage, the dancing was beautiful as well as the music from the Vancouver symphony. It was also great to spend the evening with my parents, I am grateful that they thought of me.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

123. Today I am grateful for the family dogs

My family has always had dogs. Our first was an Old English Sheep dog named Bonnie, next was a Cocker Spaniel named Bailey, and then another Cocker Spaniel named Lucky. Then a little Yorkshire terrier named Minnie who we currently have, another Yorkie named Scamp (who ran away ... just like the Scamp he was named after from Lady and the Tramp) and then we got another Yorkie named Couper who will still have. My Sister, Alex also recently got her own dog named Molly who is a really cute dog. However don’t tell Minnie or Molly but Couper is everyone’s favourite.

There aren’t many movies I have actually cried while watching but “Marley and Me” was one of them. It brought to me the feelings of knowing how dogs become part of your family and the sorrow that comes from losing one of them.  

Today I woke up to Minnie and Couper sleeping on top of me and it was really sweet to cuddle with them for a bit before getting up. Also another reason I am grateful for the family dogs is that they are usually the most excited to see me when I come home.

Monday 26 December 2011

122. Today I am grateful for my Aunt Ruth

Another thing I look forward to at Christmas time is visiting with my Aunt Ruth. She is severely disabled and lives in a group home in Vancouver. While she can’t walk or talk or move most of her body she can show emotion and she is always so happy to see us. When we walk into her room her face lights up and she has a huge smile. I can especially see the love she has for my dad (her brother). During our Christmas visit my family sings Christmas carols to her and the other residents and staff, which (I think) they all enjoy. We also make sure to bring an aero chocolate bar for Aunt Ruth because those are her favourite. I am grateful for the inspiration that my Aunt has on my life and the lives of her other family members. Although she does not experience the same quality of life as most people she has a huge impact and influence on the lives of others. I also know that one day she will have a perfect body.  

Sunday 25 December 2011

121. Today I am grateful for Christmas!

I love Christmas, it is my favourite holiday! Especially now that I live away from my family I value this time even more to be with my family. I love the lights and decorations and Christmas carols. I also love buying Christmas gifts, I don’t spend a lot of money on gifts but I enjoy picking gifts for the special people on my list. This year I also made two gifts which I think mean a lot to the people I made them for as well as for me.  For my parents I made a plaque with a picture of the Cardston temple with the saying “Where families become forever”, The Cardston temple is where my parents were sealed as well as having Melissa and I sealed to them so it has a special meaning for our family. For my sister and her husband I put together a scrapbook of their wedding photos. They were married at Christmas time 6 years ago so I imagine that adds even more meaning to their Christmas season. It’s also fun to discover what gifts people choose for me. I also love Christmas dinner! J

However, what I love most about Christmas is reflecting on the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We know that Christ wasn’t born on December 25 but it’s when his birth is recognized and I think that should be embraced throughout the world. I am grateful for the Saviors example that we are shown in the scriptures and for his gospel. I know that it is through Jesus Christ that peace comes to me personally and can where peace can be established on the earth.

Saturday 24 December 2011

120. Today I am grateful for Christmas traditions

Often Christmas is also a time to spend with extended family members. I haven’t grown up around very many extended family members, particularly cousins. The cousins I did spend the most time with growing up live on Vancouver Island. During our teen years, Melissa and I enjoyed taking the ferry and spending the weekend ever few months or so.

During the Christmas season our families usually spend a day together and do a gift exchange and just enjoy catching up. One year my family will go the Island and the next year their family will come to the mainland. This year it was our turn to go over and today (Christmas Eve) seemed to work best for everyone. We took the early ferry over this morning and because there were no reservations left to book we went on as walk on passengers and then my Aunt and Uncle brought two vehicles over to pick us up. It was really nice to visit with them, even if it was just for a few hours.
This is one family tradition that I look forward to every year. As we take the ferry back I am also excited about participating in other Christmas Eve family traditions. Over the past several years we have started a tradition going door to door singing Christmas Carols to our neighbours. None of us are great singers but our neighbours love it and we have a lot of fun doing it. At least I do. Another tradition we have is reading the “Christmas Story” in the Book of Luke from the Bible. My Dad reads the scriptures and the ‘kids’ act it out. Afterwards each of us takes turns opening one gift. This is a tradition that lots of families have but for us it is an adaptation of a German tradition. My mom grew up following the German tradition of opening all the gifts on Christmas Eve. I love having family traditions and I am grateful for them.
I hope to have my own family someday where I can pass these traditions on, include other traditions from my husband’s family and create more.  

Friday 23 December 2011

119. Today I am grateful to be home for Christmas

Miky and the cute gingerbread house she made
Yay! I am Home! This year is the latest I have ever been home for Christmas. I guess that’s what happens when you’re working. I had a fun day at work though, joining the classroom for a pyjama party and watching a “Charlie Brown Christmas”. I am also really grateful for 2 of my coworkers, one gave me a ride to work and another gave me a ride to the airport which was really nice. I washed my car last night and it was nice to know that it would stay nice and clean and dry in the garage for the next 2 weeks.

Anyways, back to my family. I hadn’t seen them since the summer and as far as Christmas; there is just something about being with your family that increases the Christmas spirit. We watched The Kranks Christmas together tonight which was kind of corny but funny and also touched on family togetherness over the Christmas season. I am really excited for the next 2 weeks because I will be spending one week here in BC and a week in Utah with Melissa and her family. I will get to see everyone! J

Thursday 22 December 2011

118. Today I am grateful to know that there is life after death

Rachelle Elliott (middle)
In my first entry I wrote about a friend of mine who passed away and how I had wondered if she knew how grateful I was for her and our friendship. It was 6 years ago today. Rachelle was a friend who was always there when I needed someone to talk to, always there when I wanted someone to be with. She cared more about other people being happy or doing something for others than her own happiness and her own needs or wants.  She made me laugh.

Often something will happen and I will think to myself, Rachelle would have loved to have been there or she would have thought this was really funny. At the time Melissa (my twin) was pregnant with her first child and Rachelle was so excited for Melissa to be a mom and was really looking forward to meeting the baby. Perhaps she did.
It was hard to accept that Rachelle had passed away; it didn’t seem real until the day of her funeral. The funeral was held after Christmas and I was given an opportunity to speak. Over that Christmas season I reflected a lot on the Savior and the atonement and crucifixion. I know that Jesus Christ provided a way for us to return to live with Him and our Heavenly Father again. I know that each one of us has a purpose to our life, no matter how long our mortal experience is. I know that there is life after death and continuing work for us to accomplish and I am grateful for that knowledge.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

117. Today I am grateful for the beautiful sunset on the shortest day of the year

As I was driving home from work I was amazed by the breathtaking beauty of the sunset. December 21 is famous for being the shortest day of the year and I am grateful that the day ended beautifully. While watching the sunset this evening I felt the love that Heavenly Father has for his children and for the earth. The sun setting symbolized to me that each day is a gift that should be cherished and that we need to take time to recognize the beauty of each day.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

116. Today I am grateful for lunch with my co-workers and getting out of work early

Twice a year the agency I work for takes its employers out for lunch and give them the afternoon off (with pay). One is at the end of the school year before the classroom staff leaves for the summer and the other is just before Christmas. It was really nice to go out for lunch with my coworkers and get to talk with a few of them and it was also really nice to have the afternoon off. I really love my job and the work I do but it is also nice to have employers who recognize that it is important to have some time to yourself, relax and to feel appreciated.   

Monday 19 December 2011

115. Today I am grateful for my brother, Craig

Craig on his first birthday
When I think back to my childhood one of the first things that come to mind is the fun I had playing with my twin sister and my brother. Craig is 3 years younger than me and for a long time it was the three of us. One of the games we would play was our own versions of game shows where Craig would be the game show host. We would also play star search where our parents would be the judges. We really need to dig out those videos. On second thought, maybe not ... hahaha. Craig has always been able to, and still does, make me laugh. I have plenty of stories to share with his future wife and children.

One of the things I admire about Craig is his desire and willingness to help others. This past summer I went home to BC for a week and one of the reasons I went was to buy my Moms car. However, I didn’t want to drive back to Edmonton on my own so Craig not only offered to come with me but he drove the whole way. I really enjoyed the conversations we had on that road trip and playing some more childhood games of “I am going on a vacation and I’m bringing with me ...” and taking turns naming countries, movies, etc beginning with each letter of the alphabet.
Today is Craig’s Birthday and I want to wish him a wonderful birthday and let him know that I am grateful that he is my brother.  

Sunday 18 December 2011

114. Today I am grateful for a Sunday school lesson on gratitude

Today our Sunday school lesson was on gratitude and I really liked how the Sunday school teacher gave the lesson. Being the last Sunday of the year our ward was meeting I think the instructors were able to choose their own topics. It seemed fitting that the topic of the class I attended was on gratitude. Our Sunday school teacher gave the class a topic such as “A person” or a “physical ability” and then gave each person an opportunity to respond. I have found that it can be difficult sometimes to come up with something I am grateful for each day. Particularly when it comes to simple things that may not readily come to mind; however, often simple things can bring so much joy.

I am also grateful for this Sunday school teacher; she is such a wonderful example to me of a genuine and sincere person. The enthusiasm, optimism and gratitude for life she shows, despite enduring many challenges has also been an inspiration to me.

Saturday 17 December 2011

113. Today I am grateful to be a bridesmaid

Yesterday I wrote about my gratitude to witness a friend’s wedding and today was another day of wedding fun at the reception. As one of her bridesmaids, I am also grateful that I was able to play a part in the planning and celebration. It’s not about the title of “bridesmaid” as I would have done everything I did (well ... maybe except for wearing a velvet dress) regardless. I am grateful though that my friend valued my friendship enough to have wanted me by her side as she planned her wedding.

Friday 16 December 2011

112. Today I am grateful to have witnessed my friend’s marriage sealing

I went back to the temple today, but this time it was to witness the sealing of one of my best friends. It was so wonderful to see my friend and her husband to make covenants with each other and God and to be sealed for eternity. I am excited to see what the future holds for them.

I was one of her bridesmaids and after the sealing we had a really fun photo shoot and then went out for dinner. The groom’s mother paid for everyone which was really nice of her and appreciated.  
I am also grateful for my supervisor for allowing me to take the day off to attend the wedding.

Thursday 15 December 2011

111. Today I am grateful that the Edmonton temple has reopened

Today I had the opportunity to go to the Edmonton LDS temple for the first time since it closed in June for renovations. It is great having a temple so close by!

Wednesday 14 December 2011

110. Today I am grateful for this heart-warming rendition of “Where are you Christmas”

Yesterday I posted a video of Josh Groban singing O’ Holy Night which of course is amazing. Today I came across this video that had just been uploaded that I fell in love with. There is a Utah-based music group; I believe it includes two men, called the PianoGuys. I never heard about them before today but they seem like a pretty cool group. In this video they are playing the music to “Where are You Christmas”, most of the song is instrumental which is beautiful but the part I love the most is at the end when the pianist daughter comes out to sing the chorus of the song.  She is such a beautiful little girl with a beautiful voice. After she sings she runs to hug her dad and you can just feel the love between them.

I am grateful for all the wonderful Christmas songs and music that fill me with joy. It is one of the things I love most about Christmas!  

Tuesday 13 December 2011

109. Today I am grateful for Josh Groban and O’ Holy Night

My favourite singer, singing my favourite Christmas song! This song itself stirs within me a powerful emotion of peace and love for others and for my Savior. Combine that with Josh Groban’s amazing voice and it is even more powerful.

Monday 12 December 2011

108. Today I am grateful for Christmas lights

Another thing I love about Christmas time is the lights. I love seeing houses and buildings lit up for Christmas. And the streets decorated with lights and snowflakes. It makes everything look Merry and Bright!

Sunday 11 December 2011

107. Today I am grateful for the love of God

Today I was reading my scriptures and I came across a scripture that I have read and heard many times. John 3:16-17 which reads “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” 

While reading this scripture, I was overcome with an increased testimony and gratitude for the love of God. Being Christmas time, we recognize the birth of Christ, the son of God. However, it is because of God’s love for us that Christ was sent to earth to save us. I love how the scripture says that Christ was not sent to the world to condemn us but to save us. We know from the scriptures that Christ was not judgemental. He did give us commandments to follow but he showed us how to live through love. Just as our Heavenly Father loves us so does our Savior, Jesus Christ who taught us to love each other.
Reading this scripture today has increased my desire to be more loving to everyone. I am grateful for that as well.

Saturday 10 December 2011

106. Today I am grateful that I won’t need to buy more new tires

I took my car in to a tire shop today to get the winter tires put on. I also asked them if they could check my tires for leaks as the tire pressure has been dropping quite a bit lately. It turns out that they just needed a good cleaning due to build up of gunk between the tires and rims. I am very grateful that I will not have to buy more new tires in the spring!

Friday 9 December 2011

105.Today I am grateful for the ward Christmas party

I attended our ward Christmas party today and I am grateful for all those who organized the party and prepared the meal. I am also grateful that we were allowed to take home some of the wall decorations, paper stars, which I used to put up on our walls to decorate for Christmas.

Thursday 8 December 2011

104. Today I am grateful for my brother-in-law, JJ

Today is my brother-in-law’s birthday! Because I want to write about people I am grateful for as well as things I figure birthdays are a good day to share my gratitude for that person. I am grateful for JJ mostly because he treats my sister well and makes her happy. He also makes me laugh (even though the line between when it’s time to be funny and time to be serious may get crossed sometimes). He’s also always willing to help others out which is a quality that I admire.

Happy Birthday JJ!

Wednesday 7 December 2011

103. Today I am grateful for Christmas carollers

One of my favourite things about Christmas is Christmas carollers, whether they are standing on the streets singing or going from house to house. You don’t see it very often these days but it’s something I enjoy participating in and seeing. One of my favourite family traditions is soon before Christmas, usually on Christmas Eve; we go around to the homes in our neighbourhood and sing Christmas carols. We’re not really that musical but we enjoy it and our neighbours love it.

Tonight I enjoyed listening to a women’s choir sing Christmas carols at the Legislature building. Singing really does help to feel the Christmas spirit. They were beautiful singers. As well as the legislature was decorated beautifully for Christmas inside and a beautiful lights display outside. They also served hot chocolate for patrons to enjoy while listening to the choirs. It’s nice to see that our tax dollars are being put to good use. J

Tuesday 6 December 2011

102. Today I am grateful for times when life’s trials are put into perspective

I went out for ice cream with a friend tonight and parked in a nearby parking lot. I didn’t see any sign indicating that it was paid parking but a few minutes after I parked I was issued a ticket. The first thing I noticed was that almost every car had a ticket, second it was a Tuesday evening and it was cold, third I finally saw the sign at a far corner of the parking lot. With all these things combined, I drove home feeling very annoyed and then I got to a point where the traffic was backed up. Starting to feel even more frustrated I looked over and saw what appeared to be a very bad accident. My train of thought changed and I realized that this “trial” I was experiencing was not that bad and that it will help me to be sure to scan the whole parking lot for signs in the future.  

Monday 5 December 2011

101. Today I am grateful for my FHE group

Family Home Evening (FHE) is church program that encourages families to set aside Monday evenings to spend with our family that includes a gospel lesson and an activity. Being that I am in a Young Single Adult (YSA) ward (congregation) were most of the members live away from their families, we are broken up into family home evening groups. There are two leaders (male and female) for each “family” group. Both of my leaders are really young but they are great! I had a lot of fun at our FHE tonight! We played silly games with a Christmas theme, such as playing charades, acting out Christmas songs. It’s nice to have an FHE group where we can get to know people more in a smaller setting. I’m looking forward to getting to know those in my group more.

Sunday 4 December 2011

100. Today I am grateful for the First Presidency Christmas Devotional

The first presidency Christmas devotional is something that I look forward to every year. I love the messages the leaders of the church share to members and others attending worldwide: Their reflections on the Christmas Season, testimonies of the Savior and their encouragement to viewers on the things that we could focus on or do for others.  I also love listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing!

Tonight I was with other members of my ward at our Bishops house, where we had planned to watch the devotional after our potluck. However, due to technological difficulties we were not able to watch the broadcast. When I got home, I put my pyjamas on and crawled into bed with my laptop and watched the devotional from I usually go to a church building to watch it and really enjoy watching it in a church-setting but it was also kind of nice to watch it alone and reflect on the messages given without any distractions around me.
 Watch, listen or read the talks from this year’s First Presidency Devotional.
During his talk Pres. Eyring announced the Church’s “gift to the world” – Bible Video’s showing the life of Jesus Christ. I am really excited to watch each of these videos as they become available and hope that they will help all who view them come to better know Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World.  

Saturday 3 December 2011

99. Today I am grateful for a successful bridal shower

In a couple of weeks, one of my best friends will be married and I feel privileged to be one of her bridesmaids. Today me and the other bridesmaid held a bridal shower for her at my place which I am really glad turned out well. It seemed that people had a lot of fun and enjoyed the shower, including the bride-to-be. It was also fun to have people over. Besides the Thanksgiving dinner we had, we haven’t really had too many people over to our home.

Also, I am grateful for all the yummy food that Tiffany (the other bridesmaid) bought and for help from Tiffany and my roomates with decorating. When your short, it's hard to reach high places to put up things like streamers. hahaha. Good thing Tiffany is super tall!

Friday 2 December 2011

98. Today I am grateful for Christmas concerts

Tonight was the Institute Christmas concert and I just felt so excited on my way there. It was really good with a great variety of music. I really liked some of the different types of songs such as the African ones which we typically don’t hear in church but it was really cool. I just love Christmas time and this was a great way to start off the various Christmas events that will happen throughout the month.

Thursday 1 December 2011

97.Today I am grateful for earning flex time

Today was our third and last day of parent/teacher meetings. It meant long days and getting home late but it also meant earning flex time (overtime) hours. I am grateful for this because it will allow me to take off some time at Christmas in addition to my Vacation days so I spend some time at home for the Holiday's.  I am really excited because I will be taking 2 weeks off, spending one week in BC with my family and another week in Utah with my sister and her family. Her new baby is due Dec. 29 and I will be there Dec. 30, hoping to meet him!