Tuesday 31 July 2012

340. Today I am grateful that my little sister asked me for makeup advice

My little sister (she’s 12) and I were in the bathroom this morning getting ready for the day. She asked me for some make up advice and I was surprised by how happy I was to share some tips with her. I’m not a make-up expert by any means but it was nice to kind of have that big sister role of sharing advice.

Monday 30 July 2012

339. Today I am grateful for my Mom

Today is my mom’s birthday and so I think it would be a good opportunity to share my gratitude for my mom. I am grateful that she brought me into this world, I am grateful for the opportunities we have to talk, for her support in the choices I have made and for the relationship we have.   

Sunday 29 July 2012

338. Today I am grateful that there are still people I know in the Fraser Valley YSA branch

In my younger YSA years there was a Surrey YSA branch that I attended until it was dissolved and then I went back to my home ward for a bit for before moving out to Edmonton. Now the Surrey and Abbotsford stake YSA’s are combined to form the Fraser Valley YSA branch which I attended today. They meet in the old Langley building close to the temple. Over the years most of the people I know from my time in YSA in that area are married, have moved or are no longer in YSA so it was really nice to see people today that I knew and catch up with.  

Saturday 28 July 2012

337. Today I am grateful to spend time with siblings in Vancouver

I spent the afternoon and evening with my brother and little sister in Vancouver today where we hung out until the Celebration of lights firework show. It was fun spending some time with them!   

Friday 27 July 2012

336. Today I am grateful for a Vacation!

I don’t think I have ever needed a vacation more than I do now. I am grateful to be able to take 2 weeks off to spend with my family in BC and Utah.

Thursday 26 July 2012

335. Today I am grateful for an invitation to see George Canyon

Each evening during Capital Ex there is a free outdoor concert, well you pay the gate admission to get in to the fair. The only concert I was interested in seeing was George Canyon but everyone I had talked to about seeing it either already had plans or weren’t interested in seeing it so I figured I probably wouldn’t end up going because I didn’t want to go on my own. Then a few days ago someone was like, “hey, you like country music right? ... Do you want to see George Canyon with me?” Yeah! I was happy that I had someone to go with and it was a great concert!

Wednesday 25 July 2012

334. Today I am grateful for the opportunity I had to be an EFY counselor

As I hear of people going off to EFY as a participant or counselor it brings back fond memories I have as both a participant and a counselor. However, I would say that being a counselor was one of the best things I have experienced. EFY is a BYU run summer camp that holds week-long sessions during the summer throughout North America and in a few other countries. They are mainly held at university campuses, with overnight sessions the youth and counselors stay in dorms. The program focuses on spiritual learning and growth but also encourages having fun and making new friends. As a counselor I felt privileged to be a part of that process and still keep in touch with several of the youth I had in my group. Some are married now, some have returned from missions or are currently on missions and some are in university. It is wonderful to see the progress each has made!

Tuesday 24 July 2012

333. Today I am grateful for the Mormon pioneers

Today is a day recognized by Utahan’s and Mormons as Pioneer Day; a day to recognize the journey the Mormon pioneers made across the plains until they settled in the Salt Lake Valley. It`s a day to recognize Freedom and the opportunity for them to practice their religion in peace. I have met many people who are descended from these pioneers and it`s wonderful to hear them share family stories of sacrifice and perseverance. Although, I am not a descendent of these pioneers I do honour them and am grateful for the sacrifices they made so that I can practice the religion I love.
As a youth I had the opportunity to participate in a pioneer trek and it was a wonderful experience to get a small taste of what it was like to be a pioneer and pull or push a cart with all of our stuff in it. We dressed in pioneer clothing and slept under tarps. It was a cool experience but I am glad I am living at tis time in history.
I should add that my ancestors were pretty awesome people too and overcame other challenges of their time and also made sacrifices so that I can be where I am today.


Monday 23 July 2012

332. Today I am grateful for the calm after the storm

Part of Edmonton and are was under a tornado warning today while most of Edmonton (including where I live) was under a tornado watch but we just ended up with a crazy storm instead. It was kind of scary, especially because of the emergency warnings on the radio. Before today, the only warnings I heard where tests. However, almost as soon as the storm ended, the sun came out and the sky was clear. I likened it to trials in our life, sometimes it can be hard to see that things will work out but eventually we will experience the calm after the storm. 

Sunday 22 July 2012

331. Today I am grateful for an opportunity to analyze my faith

This past weekend I had a conversation with someone about the gospel and what we believe as Latter-day Saints. This person had some negative things to say, not in a demeaning way but in a questioning way, which is ok. Everyone is to choose for themselves what they believe and the sources to which they want to receive that information. I am happy to be friends with people who don’t share my beliefs as long as they are respectful of it. However, I am grateful for the conversation I had and the opportunity to analyze my faith ... why do I believe the things that I believe?

We are not expected to be ‘blind’ followers, our Heavenly Father has given us resources, both tangible and divine to guide us to receive answers to questions we have. In the Book of Mormon, there is a well known scripture (to those familiar with the book) that invites all who read it to decide for themselves if what they have read is true.
Moroni 10:3-5:

Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.
And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.

This scripture can also be applied to other scriptures read and anything that is said by church leaders or others we look up to.

Saturday 21 July 2012

330. Today I am grateful for quiet time

I really am a people person and enjoy being around people and having conversations and doing this and feeling like people care about me. Lately I have felt like I have had a lot of alone time and although it’s easy for me to feel disconnected in that situation, it may be what I need right now. This time has allowed me to spend more time reflecting on where my life is going, what is going well, what changes I would like and what’s important to me. It has also given me an opportunity to spend more time studying the scriptures and in sincere prayer and relying on divine strength and comfort.

Friday 20 July 2012

329. Today I am grateful for free tickets for the fair and to give people free tickets

This evening was my first time going to Capital Ex which is Edmonton’s summer Fair and it was pretty good, I enjoyed the shows I saw: Street Corner symphony and Side Swipe, I think they both won talent competitions. Both groups were pretty entertaining. I am grateful for free tickets I got to get into the fair. I was also given some more left over tickets that I handed out to families waiting in line. It was nice to see the look of surprise that I was giving them the tickets for free and the gratitude that they showed.  

Thursday 19 July 2012

328. Today I am grateful for sweet little Rebekah

Today is my little niece’s 5th birthday. She is such a sweet little girl who even suggested celebrating her birthday in August when my family comes to visit. Bekah also has a sense of humour and it’s so funny when she tells jokes and when she gets jokes that adults share with each other. She loves her siblings and always wants to be a little mommy to the babies. I am looking forward to seeing her this summer and celebrating her birthday with her.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

327. Today I am grateful to be short

I feel that often people seem to want to help me feel good about being short. The truth is I like being short. I can fit in small spaces, I can lie across a couch, usually without my feet touching the end, I don’t really require a lot of leg room which helps on plane trips or if a tall person is sitting in front or behind me in a car and needs to adjust their seat, I don’t have to duck when walking through doors, and I think it makes me look younger. If I wanted to avoid someone or “get lost” in a crowd, I can and I can help tall people feel good about their height by asking them to reach things for me. I am also grateful that more and more stores are selling petite sizes, particularly pants.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

326. Today I am grateful to “run and not be weary”

I am actually not much of a runner; I prefer exercising with an elliptical. I love walking though and can walk a long time without tiring.  However, I mean the quote in the sense that I am grateful to be able to get through the day and accomplish many things and having the energy needed to do what I need to do.

Monday 16 July 2012

325. Today I am grateful for the ability to multitask

It’s amazing how the human mind and body allows us to have the ability to do more than one thing at a time. It does help one to feel more productive.  

Sunday 15 July 2012

324. Today I am grateful that I graduated from Seminary

I am grateful that I spent 4 years of my High School years attending early morning seminary classes before school. Just like attending institute during my YSA years, Seminary also helped me to balance spiritual and secular education and responsibilities.

Saturday 14 July 2012

323. Today I am grateful for compliments

It’s always nice to receive a compliment from someone whether it’s something I’m wearing, my eyes, hair, etc. Many of the compliments I receive come from strangers, some come across as creepy but I feel most are sincere. Once I was in the washroom at Superstore washing my hands and a little girl standing beside me looked up at me and said, “wow, you’re so pretty”, it was really sweet and really made my day.

322. Today I am grateful for batteries

Its amazing how many things require batteries, I am grateful that they help things work.

Thursday 12 July 2012

321. Today I am grateful for access to a variety of ethnic foods

I love trying ethnic foods (as long as I know what it is) and its great having access so many great dishes and foods from various ethnicities.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

320. Today I am grateful for Skype

I am grateful for technology that allows me to see and talk to my family at the same time, no matter where they are.

Monday 9 July 2012

318. Today I am grateful for the breaking record heat of 33 degrees Celsius

Today Edmonton reached a new record with its hottest temperature, 33 degrees Celsius today! At first I was thinking, 33 degrees is the hottest it’s ever been, that’s it?” ... but it is hot! For FHE we had a water balloon fight, it sure helped to cool off.

Sunday 8 July 2012

317. Today I am grateful for the Hymn, “Count Your Many Blessings”

We sang this hymn in church today and as we were singing I was reminded of the many blessings that I have.

Saturday 7 July 2012

316. Today I am grateful for Zumba classes

Today was my first time going to a Zumba class and although I felt really uncoordinated, I felt good after and had fun. I am also grateful for new challenges and trying something new.

Thursday 5 July 2012

314. Today I am grateful for the neighbourhood I live in

I love the neighbourhood I live in! It`s mainly families that live here and the people I have come across are very friendly and welcoming. People generally keep their homes looking nice with pretty gardens. It`s also by the river valley which makes it an attractive area to live. From my home I see tree lined streets and a picturesque view of downtown up the hill.  

Wednesday 4 July 2012

313. Today I am grateful for summer

As I have mentioned I love the turning of the seasons and enjoy each season for different reasons but summer is definitely my favourite season. I love the warmth, long days and going outside without having to put a jacket on. I enjoy wearing flip flops and Capri’s or shorts, lightweight clothing and summery colours. My skin is not as pale and I can enjoy many outdoor activities. I love summer so much ... I just wish it was a bit longer.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

312. Today I am grateful for Prayer with Fasting

On the first Sunday of the month, members of the LDS church are encouraged to fast for the first two meals of the day. A fast is done for a specific purpose whether it is personal or involves others (such as the whole family or ward) and is accompanied with prayer for that purpose to be fulfilled. My fast this past Sunday was a neat experience for me and without getting too personal I did receive an answer in a unique way through a dream. When I woke up I thought to myself, `what a weird dream`` but then almost immediately the explanation came to me. As we learn from Joseph of Egypt and other Biblical experiences, God does use dreams to guide us, warn us and to reveal his purposes.  

Monday 2 July 2012

311. Today I am grateful for a day at the lake with friends

I am grateful to have been able to spend a day off at the lake with a friend and her family. Not having my family here, it`s nice to be included in other peoples family activities. The weather threatened to storm but ended up clearing up. I had cute babies to play with and friends to catch up with. It was an enjoyable day for sure.

Sunday 1 July 2012

310. Today I am grateful to live in Canada

As we celebrate Canada’s 145th Birthday I want to share my gratitude for living in such a wonderful country. I love being Canadian, as I shared in this post. I love how diverse and beautiful each province is. I love the image it has; Canadians are welcome in every country. J I love that it is a bilingual country although the extent of my French is understanding what food labels say when turned to the French side (although the pictures often help too).  We have attractive looking money and compared to many other countries, our economy is looking pretty stable. I love our flag, our anthem and our pride ... Yet humility. I love Canada!